Migraine is a critical vascular headache in which the patients suffer from severe pain. The headache in Migraine is caused due to expansion of blood vessels, which start releasing certain chemicals. The arties surrounding the brain get expanded. The nerves surround the blood vessels then start releasing chemicals. Due to release of the chemicals the patients get inflammation, pain, irritation, and again enlarge the blood vessels. As long as the artery expands the pain becomes more severe. The attack of the disease affects sympathetic nervous system of human body. Activation of sympathetic nervous system body can cause many problems to patients’ of migraine like nausea, vomiting, and at time diarrhea.
The activity of the nervous system restricts or we can say slows down the work of stomach and food or any other thing in stomach remain for longer period. The delayed activity of stomach also makes digestion process slow; therefore, the medication provided to patients works very slowly. Due to this reason even medicines remain ineffective in severe migraine pain. Sympathetic nervous system activity also slows down blood flow in the body of the patients due to which it can often found the hands and legs of the patients are cold. Further, the activity of the nervous system makes the patients allergic to sharp lights, excess sound, and even the patients find it poor vision. The common symptoms of the disease are sleepiness, irritability, feeling tiredness, depression, frequent yawning, and temptation to eat sweet or salty foods.
If we talk about the best treatment for migraine then homeopathy will be always recommended as it is effective cure for the disease and have no side effects. Vira’s Homeopathy Clinic is renowned and reliable homeopathy clinic where the patients of migraine are treated in best manner. At our clinic analyze each symptoms of the disease before recommending any medication.
The symptoms may include:
- sleepiness,
- irritability,
- fatigue,
- depression or euphoria,
- yawning, and
- cravings for sweet or salty foods.
Patients and their family members usually know that when they observe these warning symptoms that a migraine attack is beginning.
Migraine Aura
An estimated 20% of migraine headaches are associated with an aura. Usually, the aura precedes the headache, although occasionally it may occur simultaneously with the headache. The most common auras are:
- flashing, brightly colored lights in a zigzag pattern (referred to as fortification spectra), usually starting in the middle of the visual field and progressing outward; and
- a hole (scotoma) in the visual field, also known as a blind spot.
Some elderly migraine sufferers may experience only the visual aura without the headache. A less common aura consists of pins-and-needles sensations in the hand and the arm on one side of the body or pins-and-needles sensations around the mouth and the nose on the same side. Other auras include auditory (hearing) hallucinations and abnormal tastes and smells.
For approximately 24 hours after a migraine attack, the migraine sufferer may feel drained of energy and may experience a low-grade headache along with sensitivity to light and sound. Unfortunately, some sufferers may have recurrences of the headache during this period.