Atopic Dermatitis is a kind of skin diseases, which causes skin inflammation and one can find rashes, cracks, swelling, and various other symptoms on the skin of patients. The red rashes that are formed on the skin of patient are often very itchy. The “dermatitis” stands for skin inflammation and the word Atopic refers to hereditary diseases. The disease can be seen very common in infants and children; however, it can also infect people of any age group. The disease is often very chronic and it is very difficult for the patients to get rid of it easily.

The disease is also referred as eczema and at present it can found worldwide. There are several things that make the disease worst for the patients like seasonal changes, strong detergents and soaps, dryness of skin, etc. The patients suffering from Atopic Dermatitis found complaining about three major aliments like eczema, allergies, and asthma. As we can see the red surface prominent on the skin of the patients are open and cause itching. Thus, there are also great chances the patients may get skin infections due bacteria and other disease causing microbes.

There are several treatments available in the market for curing Atopic Dermatitis. However, most of the treatment cannot assure patients for complete eradication of the disease. For treating the disease one can find best dermatologist in Hyderabad. You can trust Vira’s Homeopathy it is the most reputed name when it comes to dermatologist in Hyderabad. We have record of treating any skin disease with 100% assurance and we can treat Atopic Dermatitis completely. The doctors at our clinic have experience of several years in treat different skin aliments. We have also Lady Dermatologist in Hyderabad who can offer best treatments for Atopic Dermatitis. You can always trust us for best results without any compromise or side effects.


Although it is an inherited disease, eczema is primarily aggravated by contact with or intake of allergens. It can also be influenced by other factors that affects the immune system such as stress or fatigue. Atopic eczema consists of chronic inflammation; it often occurs in people with a history of allergy disorders such as asthma or hay fever. There is no certain cause of atopic dermatitis. In dogs, atopic dermatitis can be caused by or aggravated by inhaled allergens, food allergens, and flea bites; however, in human, such relationships are not well established.

While not cause of atopic dermatitis, food allergy is often present in atopic children, and children with food allergy often present with skin dermatitis indistinguishable from atopic dermatitis. New-onset atopic dermatitis patients at a later age or severe atopic dermatitis often warrant referral to an allergist for food allergy testing. Many dermatologists and physicians test for food allergy in their office. The test is often done as a “pin prick” or “needle prick.” A drop of food extract is placed on the skin, and a small prick in the epidermis is performed. A “wheal” is produced with a positive test.

Common food allergen causing eczematous dermatitis include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, and egg. While food allergy induced eczematous dermatitis might present independent of atopic dermatitis, some children with atopic dermatitis also have concurrent food allergies.
