With the passes of time our body and mind grow and develop according to our age. However, there are also chances that our age may grow but we feel like young or vice versa. It can be seen that in many people Chronological age and biological age may differ. Our biological age may reflect our mental state as well as physical condition but it is not always the same thing what we see. Thus, it can be found many people even at young age may suffer from disease that can be often seen in old age people like heart attack, blood pressure, skin aging problem, diabetes, and many other diseases.
Premature aging is the serious disease, which can be seen in present time. The major cause of the disease can be injuries that do not healed completely, allergies, harmful chemicals and metals, malnutrition, persistent exposure to sun radiations, more stress, and laziness. Skin aging is another part of premature aging problem. The common symptoms that can seen in people suffering from skin aging problem are wrinkles, thin and transparent skin layer, loss of fat present beneath the skin, skinny body, moisture less skin with itching problem, hairs turn white, and thin nail layer where at time half moon shape will be visible. It can be also found some people may suffer loss weight and in other cases the patient may gain extra weight.
It is always very essential to diagnose the premature aging problem at its initial stage otherwise it can be very dangerous disease. The best treatment that can be recommended for the disease is homeopathy. At Vira’s Homeopathy Clinic is the place where patients’ suffering premature aging problem is treated by highly experienced doctors. Our doctors do complete checkup of patient and ensure they should get complete and appropriate medication.
Causes of Ageing Skin
Research shows that there are, in fact, two distinct types of ageing. Ageing caused by the genes we inherit is called intrinsic (internal) aging. The other type of aging is known as extrinsic (external) aging and is caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun’s rays.
Intrinsic ageing, also known as the natural aging process, is a continuous process that normally begins in our mid-20s. Within the skin, collagen production slows, and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, has a bit less spring. Dead skin cells do not shed as quickly and turnover of new skin cells may decrease slightly. While these changes usually begin in our 20s, the signs of intrinsic aging are typically not visible for decades.
The signs of intrinsic aging are:
- Fine wrinkles
- Thin and transparent skin
- Loss of underlying fat, leading to hollowed cheeks and eye sockets as well as noticeable loss of firmness on the hands and neck
- Bones shrink away from the skin due to bone loss, which causes sagging skin
- Dry skin that may itch
- Inability to sweat sufficiently to cool the skin
- Graying hair that eventually turns white
- Hair loss
- Unwanted hair
- Nail plate thins, the half moons disappear, and ridges develops
Genes control how quickly the normal aging process unfolds. Some notice those first gray hairs in their 20s; others do not see graying until their 40s. People with Werner’s syndrome, a rare inherited condition that rapidly accelerates the normal aging process, usually appear elderly in their 30s. Their hair can gray and thin considerably in their teens. Cataracts may appear in their 20s. The average life expectancy for people with Werner’s syndrome is 46 years of age.
A number of extrinsic, or external, factors often act together with the normal aging process to prematurely age our skin. Most premature aging is caused by sun exposure. Other external factors that prematurely age our skin are repetitive facial expressions, gravity, sleeping positions, and smoking.
The Sun. Without protection from the sun’s rays, just a few minutes of exposure each day over the years can cause noticeable changes to the skin. Freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, loose skin, a blotchy complexion, actinic keratoses (thick wart-like, rough, reddish patches of skin), and skin cancer can all be traced to sun exposure.
“Photoaging” is the term dermatologists use to describe this type of aging caused by exposure to the sun’s rays.