Bronchial Asthma is very dangerous disease causing acute inflammation in chest and neck of the patient. The disease is accompanied by coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. There are millions of people around the world who suffer from Bronchial Asthma. The disease can affect people of any age group and gender. The main reason behind the disease is allergy and according to different studies it can be found most of the patients suffering from Bronchial Asthma have problem of both allergy and asthma. The disease is caused due to over activity of Mast Cells. The cell emits chemicals named Histamine responsible for causing allergy. Further, Bronchial Asthma is also closely associated with Eosinophils a kind of white blood cell causing allergy. In addition, a white blood cell named T lymphocytes is also associated with disease as it also causes allergy and inflammation.

There can numerous reasons behind Bronchial Asthma like smoking, different infections, allergy, frequent changes in weather condition, drugs and pain killers, and many other factors. Due to these things the patients may suffer from inflammation in nose, neck, and chest. It can be also found the patients always do not show the symptoms of the disease. In acute cases the patients of Bronchial Asthma also find it very difficult to inhale and exhale. The problem can be more acute in children and old age people. Many doctors recommend inhalers to patients for relief but is a temporary cure for the disease.
According to various studies it is found homeopathy treatment can cure Bronchial Asthma from its root. Vira’s Homeopathy Clinic is offering best ever treatment for the disease. We have experienced doctors who have studied the various aspects of Bronchial Asthma and with their yearlong expertise they provide treatment for the disease that totally free from any side effect.
Asthma exists in two states: the steady-state of chronic asthma, and the acute state of an acute asthma exacerbation. The symptoms are different depending on what state the patient is in.
Common symptoms of asthma in a steady-state include: nighttime coughing, shortness of breath with exertion but no dyspnea at rest, a chronic ‘throat-clearing’ type cough, and complaints of a tight feeling in the chest. Severity often correlates to an increase in symptoms. Symptoms can worsen gradually and rather insidiously, up to the point of an acute exacerbation of asthma. It is a common misconception that all people with asthma wheeze-some never wheeze, and their disease may be confused with another chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysemaor chronic bronchitis.
Asthma is caused by environmental and genetic factors, which can influence how severe asthma is and how well it responds to medication. Some environmental and genetic factors have been confirmed by further research, while others have not. Underlying both environmental and genetic factors is the role of the upper airway in recognizing the perceived dangers and protecting the more vulnerable lungs by shutting down the airway. Margie Profet has argued that allergens look to our immune systems like significant threats. Asthma, in this view, is seen as an evolutionary defense. This view also suggests that removing or reducing airborne pollutants should be successful at reducing the problem.