Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common disease found in people of almost all age group. According to medical science our stomach produces hydrochloric and pepsins for proper digestion food we eat. These digestive enzymes remain in stomach and never go to esophagus the food pipe, which transfer food that we take to stomach. According to medical science at the joint where stomach and esophagus meet there is special muscle that stops any leakage of food or enzymes from stomach to esophagus. The muscle only open when we take food and close instantly after food passes to stomach. However, in the body of patients suffering from Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) function of the muscle connecting stomach and esophagus get disturbed and allows the enzymes formed in stomach to go into esophagus. Due to this the esophagus of the patients suffering from GERD gets swelling and infection also occurs.

The most common symptom of GERD is severe inflammation in the chest of the patient. Further, due to acidity the patient often complains about chest pain. It can be also seen the patient find it difficult to sallow the food and at times feel like vomiting. Further, at many occasions patients while swallowing food experiences it is going to breathing pipe, which may arise the situation asthma. In addition, in acute cases of the disease the patients even bleed from their mouth.

If we talk about reliable treatment of GERD and its complete eradication then homeopathy will be always recommended. Vira’s Homeopathy Clinic is offering best ever treatment for Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Our doctor’s do lot of research work before diagnosis and then recommend best solution to the patients. At our homeopathy clinic patients can find most advanced equipments and medicines. Thus, you can get complete treatment of GERD at our clinic without any side effect.

A different type of acid reflux which produces respiratory and laryngeal manifestations islaryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), also called extraesophageal reflux disease (EERD). Unlike GERD, LPR is unlikely to produce heartburn, and is thus sometimes called silent reflux.

The most-common symptoms of GERD are:
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Trouble swallowing (dysphagia)
Less-common symptoms include:
  • Pain with swallowing (odynophagia)
  • Excessive salivation (this is common during heartburn, as saliva is generally slightly basic[2]and is the body’s natural response to heartburn, acting similarly to an antacid)
  • Nausea and Chest pain

GERD sometimes causes injury of the esophagus. These injuries may include:

Reflux esophagitis-necrosis of esophageal epithelium causing ulcers near the junction of the stomach and esophagus.

Esophageal strictures-the persistent narrowing of the esophagus caused by reflux-induced inflammation.

Barrett’s esophagus-metaplasia (changes of the epithelial cells from squamous to columnar epithelium) of the distal esophagus.

Esophageal adenocarcinoma-a rare form of cancer.[3]

Several other atypical symptoms are associated with GERD, but there is good evidence for causation only when they are accompanied by esophageal injury.

These symptoms are:
  • Chroniccough
  • Laryngitis (hoarseness, throat clearing)
  • Asthma
  • Erosion ofdental enamel
  • Dentine hypersensitivity
  • Sinusitis and damaged teeth[4]

Some people have proposed that symptoms such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, recurrent ear infections, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are due to GERD; however, a causative role has not been established.[3]

GERD may be difficult to detect in infants and children. Symptoms may vary from typical adult symptoms. GERD in children may cause repeated vomiting, effortless spitting up, coughing, and other respiratory problems. Inconsolable crying, failure to gain adequate weight, refusing food, bad breath, and belching or burping are also common.

Common symptoms of Pediatric Reflux
  • Irritability and pain, sometimes screaming suddenly when asleep. Constant or sudden crying or “colic” like symptoms. Babies can be inconsolable especially when laid down flat.
  • Poor sleep habits typically with arching their necks and back during or after feeding
  • Excessive possetting or vomiting
  • Frequent burping or frequent hiccups
  • Excessive dribbling or running nose
  • Swallowing problems, gagging and choking
  • Frequent ear infections or sinus congestion
  • Babies are often very gassy and extremely difficult to “burp” after feeds
  • Refusing feeds or frequent feeds for comfort
  • Night time coughing, extreme cases of acid reflux can cause apnoea and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia if stomach contents are inhaled.
  • Bad breath – smelling acidy
  • Rancid/acid smelling diapers with loose stool. Bowel movements can be very frequent or babies can be constipated.